Paul Williamson Golf Coaching

I will teach you how to "play golf", not just "golf swing"

I will help you eliminate frustration and return to enjoying the game again quickly without changing your swing, and...

You don't need another swing lesson!

What you need is to learn how to play golf!

My Play With The Pro Experience is the answer and it is the same price as a one-hour lesson!

Only $120!

Not the usual $200, $300 or $400+ other instructors charge for on-course lessons. 

You will get so much more than just swing instruction!


In fact, I won't even touch your swing in these sessions as it most likely doesn't need fixing!


  • Two hours of golf in a group of no more than 4 like minded golfers
  • An after game drink
  • Expert guidance from PGA Member Paul Williamson during the session
  • A FULL golf game assessment (not just your swing!) as I will get to see what you do in every part of the game. 
  • Strategies to use in your very next game of golf that will help you play better golf straight away.
    You don't need to get worse before you get better!
  • An improvement plan to get you to your scoring goals!
    I can even GUARANTEE that you will reach your goals, or I will coach you for FREE until you do!
  • A personal space in my CoachNow app to journal our coaching journey as well as access to my exclusive PWG Coaching Community for life. It's like having me in your pocket 24/7 so you can retain everything we learn. 

Are you ready to bust out of the frustration and finally start heading in the right direction again?

Below are some of my coaching options that may suit you after our

Play With The Pro Experience


Please click on one of the below options that sounds most relevant to you!

This program is for you if:
  • You are interested in getting started in golf
  • You would like to feel more confident before going out with your golfing friends or family.
  • By the end of this program you will be able to call yourself a golfer!
This program is designed to get you ready for every aspect of going to golf, not just hitting a golf ball.
These sessions are for you if:
  • You feel stuck at your current level and want to increase your golf skills.
  • You are frustrated/angry with your current golf game.
  • You have never had professional advice and would like to reduce the confusion in your head.
Let's bust some myths and get you some clarity!
Serious Golfers
These programs are for you if:
  • You are serious about shooting lower scores
  • You have finally had enough of trying to do it by yourself without progressing
  • You want proven results that will last your entire golfing life and I guarantee them!
Let's get you playing the golf you dream of!
Casual Golf
The Saturday Social Golf Days are a relaxed, low-stress way to get comfortable playing the game of golf.
Have Fun, Learn and Socialise while playing golf!
The perfect place for those who have felt intimidated in the game and want to get comfortable on the course before getting more serious.

How my coaching is different

Golf is played on a golf course not a driving range.

So why do most "swing instructors" rarely, if ever, take their students onto the golf course?

Since the advent of practice fairways, "swing instructors" have found it easier to stay on the range and do 1-hour lessons one after the other. It is a more straightforward business model for the instructor but not even close to the best way to get their students' desired results.

Most golfers have also been brainwashed into believing that if they can just get their swing "right" or "correct", their scores will come down.

I believe that this is just wrong!
After 25+ years as a PGA member who played on tour, I believe that if you are paying your hard-earned money to learn how to play better golf, then your coach should spend a large percentage of your time together teaching you how to improve your game in the environment you actually play in...the golf course!
I am not just a swing instructor!
(Even though I have all the skills and experience to do this, it is not what most need from me)

I am a golf coach.

This means I will guide you to better golf by teaching you how to improve all the skills required to shoot lower golf scores and enjoy your golf more.

I will teach you how to be your own coach, your own caddy and how to train so that you can take your range game to the course!

While on tour I played in Pro-ams and Corporate golf days with thousands of amateur golfers just like you. I had to learn how to improve golf games without touching golf swings. Learning ne swing moves takes hundreds of hours of practice that most regular golfers just can't commit to. I know better than anyone how to improve "normal golfer's" games on the golf course.

Your swing isn't even close to your biggest problem!

So what is the alternative to old-school lessons? >>>>
Golf Course
Golf Course

How is this for a crazy idea?


Let's have our first coaching session where you play...on the golf course!

Unlike most "swing instructors", we will start our journey with my Play With the Pro Experience which is an opportunity for me to witness your real game in the real environment.
Why Start on the golf course?

The golf course is the only place where anyone can do an accurate game assessment of your whole golf game. On the other hand, trying to assess someone's real game at a driving range is just guesswork.

Why a swing lesson first doesn't work?

I have found that average golfers never reach their goals mainly because they don't accurately understand where they are starting from. A swing instructor can't determine this by just looking at your swing at the range, either.

It is like putting your destination into a GPS Navigation System but never allowing the GPS to find out where you are starting from. I don't care how many different plans it tries to make for you, it just isn't going to work, and you will probably be more lost!

Only on the golf course, in actual game-like conditions, can we discover your golf game's true strengths and weaknesses.

Only on the course will I see every part of your game, allowing me to gauge where you are truly starting from.

Only on the golf course, in a group with other golfers, will I truly be able to see how you handle all of the problems that playing golf throws at you. 

You simply cannot get better at the game of golf just at the driving range!

This is where my Play With The Pro Experience comes to the rescue >>>>
Golf Course

Learn to "play golf" not "golf swing"

During my Play With The Pro Experience I will first watch and observe how you currently play the game.
I will then give you some simple strategies that will immediately reduce pressure and tension without changing your swing.
This will help you to execute good shots more often and reduce the frequency and severity of your bad shots.
Lower scores and more enjoyment will then start coming your way straight away. You won't have to get worse before you get better.
Your current embarrassment and frustration will disappear quickly!

We will make a plan that will get the results you are looking for...


And I can guarantee it!

After the experience, I will create a personalised improvement plan specific to you.
It will be designed around what we discover in your playing assessment, your time commitment to the game and your budget.
You can then decide what coaching program would best suit you.
This plan will ensure that any future coaching and practice you do is focused on what you need to lower your scores on the golf course, where they matter, and will last long term.
No more wasting time and money on one-off lessons that don't seem to work. Hello, clarity!
Golf Course
Book your on-course Play With the Pro Experience now!
Let's see why you really shoot the scores you do and get started on the journey back to enjoyment now!
Golf Course Game

A bit more about my coaching beliefs

"Your Golf swing is not even close
to your biggest problem!"
- Paul Williamson
If you're like most golfers I've seen, you spend a lot of time trying to diagnose your own golf game by watching YouTube videos, listening to TV commentators, or taking advice from your well-meaning buddies. But despite your best efforts, you find yourself frustrated and struggling to improve your scores.

That's where my coaching comes in. With over 25 years of experience helping golfers like you, I've found that you don't actually know what's causing your problems on the course .

You can't read the label from inside the jar!

I'm here to help with that. I am able to take an unemotional look at your whole game and quickly diagnose the real causes of your bad golf. 

I can then create an improvement plan with you based on what I believe the areas are that will have the quickest, easiest and longest-lasting improvement.

My results-based coaching programs focus on total game improvement rather than just swing instruction. I teach simple, easy-to-apply strategies to lower tension, improve on-course results, and bring enjoyment back to your game.

And the best part?

You won't have to change your swing to apply these strategies!

My coaching programs have helped countless golfers achieve lower scores and more enjoyment on the golf course without ever giving technical advice that is impossible to implement without hours of training. I will work with what you have got 

Here's what one satisfied client had to say about how I helped him:

"Making me realize that all the practice that I am doing [by myself] was a waste of time. Because I was actually practising to be pathetic." (Simon's thoughts after joining my 9 Shots Lower in 9 Weeks Program.)

Ready to take your golf game to the next level? Book a consultation with me today, and let's get started!

How crazy is that, golf coaching on the golf course and not just on the driving range!
Book your 15-minute discovery call for FREE to see how Paul can best help you.
Book your 15-minute discovery call for FREE to see how Paul can best help you.
✔ No Pressure!   ✔ No BS Advice!   ✔ 100% FREE
✓ No Pressure!   ✓ No BS Advice!   ✓ 100% FREE
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Cnr Nerang Broadbeach Rd & Birmingham Rd Carrara Queensland 
4211 Gold Coast, Australia
Paul Williamson Golf