10 shots lower in 10 weeks...Guaranteed!*

The next program starts on
Thursday the 21st of April 2022 @ 3:00 pm - 5:00pm
and runs for
ten consecutive weeks
Participation is by application only as this is not suited to everyone.
*Conditions apply


Some recent results

If you are serious about shooting lower scores and
you have finally had enough of trying to do it all by yourself...

...then this program is for you!


Proven results that will
transform your golf for life!


Does 10 shots lower in 10 weeks sound too good to be true?

With commitment from you, it is possible and easier than you think!
The biggest difference with this program is that I am accountable for your results as much as you. If I am guaranteeing you 10 shots less or I will coach you for FREE until you do, you better believe I will hold you accountable because coaching for FREE is not a sustainable business model. Lol!
It is this accountability that is missing from the old, one on one, instruction lessons where you are told what to do and as soon as your time is up you are left on your own to work it out. And we all know how well that works!

So what is the problem with the old one-off lesson model of instruction?

 They work for a short period or fix one specific problem, but they do not produce significantly lower long-term scores.
One-off lessons provide some knowledge, but knowledge is nothing without implementation and chances are you forget 90% of what you were told by the next time you get to the range.
If you genuinely want long-term lower scores, it takes time to turn knowledge into habits, and you can only do that with regular training, testing, feedback and measuring. That is how this program is different, as you will be doing all of the above.

Golf is played on a golf course not a driving range so why are so few lessons done there?

One-off lessons are almost always conducted at a driving range in an environment that is about as similar to a game of golf as the 19th hole is to the 18th. This just plain ridiculous. Can you imagine a football coach not watching the weekend game and then trying to put together a training session and game plan? 

Golf is a problem-solving sport played in an ever-changing environment, by humans that can never do the same thing two times in a row!

Consistency in Golf is a huge myth!

This means that if you aren't learning and training in the environment that you are acutualy playing in (i.e. the golf course), you are asking for trouble.

In this program, every second session is on the golf course where you will learn about the 95% of the game that has nothing to do with your swing technique.

10 Shots Lower in 10 weeks Guaranteed
Program Inclusions - 
  • Over 20 hours of coaching with Certified PGA Member Paul Williamson who has been dropping scores and reducing frustration for over 25 years. (20 hrs of 1 on 1 coaching with Paul would be over $2000)
  • All Green Fees, Cart Hire and Range Balls (over $300 value)
  • The Scoring Method program which includes a 140 page workbook, scorecards and practice cards. (Over $500 value)
  • A personal coaching/journal space inside Paul's CoachNow app where you will have 24/7 access to any videos and other content we deem appropriate. ($400 value)
  • Lifetime access to the Paul Williamson Golf 10 Shots Lower Community via Paul's own CoachNow app
  • Recap and exclusive additional videos for you to watch in your own time and while practising.
  • Invites to play in regular Social Golf events and trips run by Paul Williamson Golf
  • Meeting a group of new friends that have similar interests and desires
Your investment - Only $1500
That's well over $3200 worth of coaching and inclusions for less than half the price of one on one lessons!
If you have heard enough and would like to talk with Paul about this opportunity, then click here.

Otherwise, check out my answers to some FAQ's below.

Frequently Asked Questions 

If you are shooting 90 or above, I GUARANTEE that you will drop 10 shots in 10 weeks, or I will continue to coach you for FREE until you get there.* (see the bottom of this page for all the conditions)

That's right, I am taking all the risk out of it for you!

After 30+ years of playing Pro-ams around the country with amateur playing partners just like you, I know what it takes to get your scores lower and that 'fixing your swing' isn't it.

I have a straightforward, simple system to get you to your goals, and I have the proof that it works.

(Check out some of my clients results here)

Imagine what breaking 100 or 90 for the first time would feel like?

Imagine doing it regularly?

Imagine how much more you would enjoy your golf?

You could be there in under three months!

This is for you if -

You have had enough of all the quick tips from Youtube, Golf digest, The tour commentators, your well meaning mates and "swing instructors".

You are serious about improving your scores on course and don't want to have to change your natural swing.

You have been worried that if you get "lessons" your scores will get worse. (I promise you in this program they won't!)

You want to finally take your "range game" to the course.

You are willing to commit to regular training each week.

You understand that a true game assessment is done on the golf course in game-like conditions (not on a driving range!).

You understand that lasting improvement takes time and habits are created over weeks and months not from occasional "lessons"

You want to learn the game where it is played, on the golf course.

You enjoy training with others in a team like environment.

You are OK with doing what you "need" to do for improvement as opposed to what you "want" to do.

You want the time you spend on your game to be more productive.

You want your coaching $$$ to give a much greater value with some measurable results.

You have an open mind to trying new ideas and challenging your previous beliefs

This is NOT for you if -

You are not open to change and trying new ideas.

You are looking for a quick fix to your game.

You do not practice and play at least once a week, or aren't willing to.

You are not willing to try something different from traditional "lessons".

You are looking for, or believe, that one on one coaching is best for you.

You believe a "consistent swing" is the secret to lower scores.

You think that just practicing more, or harder, is the secret to lower scores.

You practice what makes you feel good as opposed to what you NEED to practice for lower scores during competition.

If any of the above sounds like you, please do yourself a favor and don't waste yours and my time going any further along this journey. This program will not be for you and I wish you well on your own journey.

All of this will be for a bargain price of just $1500

This is nearly half the price of 1 on 1 coaching

The cost of 20 hrs of individual coaching with me, plus all the workbooks, scorecards, CoachNow access and more, would normally be $2900. (That's a whopping $1400 saving!)

This is significantly less than the cost of a new set of clubs, and you will gain skills that will reduce your score by a significant amount more.

The new skills you learn will also continue to pay off throughout your golfing life. (Many graduates have continued to drop  10 to 15 shots more in the months after the program on their own!)

But the best part is the result is Guaranteed!
I am taking all the risk out of this for you. You will be 10 shots better in ten weeks, or I will coach you for FREE until you get there!

So what are you waiting for?
Book in a time to talk with Paul to see if this program will be right for you and if you can have one of the limited spots available.

Book here.


You will learn how to play the real game of golf!

You will create the right type of mindset to shoot lower scores for the rest of your golfing career!

You will learn how to train and play to maintain these lower scores for the long term.

You will learn how to track your progress even more in the future.

You will stop wasting your hard-earned dollars and valuable time on one-off lessons that don't work.

You will enjoy the game again and share your insights with your friends.

You will also do all this for a much lower cost than individual lessons. A saving of nearly 50% in fact!

You will make some great new friends who will join you on your ten week journey and give you great support just like team mates!

This will be individualised coaching in a small team environment for 10 weeks.

You will join a team of 4 like-minded golfers who want lasting improvement to their on-course results.

We will be training for 2 hours each session alternating between the range and the golf course.

The on-course sessions will be unlike anything you have done before in your practice. You will learn that the biggest influence over your scores is what you do before and after you set up to the ball and in between shots.

Skills training stations will be set up for the range sessions. They will be personalised to your individual needs at your level.

We will keep track of your improvement via My CoachNow App, which you will have FREE access to. This is one of the best coaching tools Ihave ever used! You will use this to post your scorecards from rounds and practice session results for my review before training.

All training sessions will be based on what research shows is the most effective way to learn and transfer new skills to the golf course under pressure.

As a certified The Scoring Method coach, I will give you access to workbooks, scorecards, purposeful practice cards and more all designed to make the game easier for you.

You will be doing 'Deliberate Purposeful Practice' with my regular feedback to fast track your learning and improvement.

You will feel part of a team that are all working towards a common goal.

You will have measured results that will show you improvement in the main scoring areas of your game.

You will have new habits that will continue to benefit your golf for as long as you play the game.

Small group sessions (4 people max) will be on consecutive
@ Emerald Lakes Golf Coaching Centre and Golf Course.

The first week's session will be on course, to assess your current game and create your improvement plan.

The second session will be at the range to start implementing your new training plan.

Each session, after that, will alternate between on the course and at the range.

Each session will be tailored to what your game requires at that time, which may change substantially or not much at all depending on your progress.

I have discovered that as you improve things can change quickly, and we may need to adjust our plan/goals as we go along. (some have hit there 10 shot goals in just two weeks!)


Proven Results

Here are some of the results from my recent clients.
Richard Harvey
"The 10-week program changed the way I play golf, and as my handicap continues to drop, the skills Paul has taught me has not only taken away a lot of frustration but bought back the enjoyment of a round of golf.
Thanks, Paul."
Richard Harvey
Surfing Legend
Burleigh GC Member
Simon Schubert
"I realize now I have been a 115 plus player in the past even though I got the odd good score. I have already dropped 15 strokes at least cos can confidently say I'm Low 90s to 100 now and improving."
Simon Schubert
Keen golfer at
Tallebudgera GC
Paul McGeorge
"Hi Paul,
So the story goes two weeks ago 106 off the stick, then last week 96 off the stick this week 85 off the stick so in a fortnight 21 shots improvement, by simply following basic drill and stopping the sway.
Thank you again, and lost another shot so of 11 now Cheers."
Paul McGeorge
Emerald Lakes GC member
Lynn Coleman
"My first round of 9 holes at the Tally Valley Golf Club in May was 72 strokes.

Six months later it's 53.... but having lessons at a driving range is not the 'real deal' and this is where Paul stands out as a coach."

Lynn Coleman
Beginner golfer
Jackie Ellis City
"At the beginning of our 10-week course I wasn't even sure how Paul was going to help me to improve. However, by using the Scoring Method this has made me SO aware of what I was doing, and giving me a way of playing the game with more control and confidence.
Thank you for a fabulous 10 weeks, have thoroughly enjoyed it. You are a great Coach!"
Jackie Ellis
City Golf Club member
Russell Strohfeldt
" Great round again yesterday. C - grade Medal winner. FREE ham for Christmas!

All starting to come together...only lost 1 or two balls over the last few months as opposed to a few a round."

Russell Strohfeldt
Tally Valley GC Member

Some more very happy clients!

Imagine what 10 shots lower would feel like to you?


If you are currently shooting over 90 on a full-length golf course, then I will guarantee you will shoot 10 shots lower in 10 weeks, or I will keep coaching you for FREE in my group coaching sessions until you get there.
Of course, there are conditions and expectations with this guarantee.

1- You must be open to trying a new way to get better at golf. You must be dedicated, enthusiastic, and committed to change. This program will not be like any other lessons you have done. Therefore you may be asked to do things that you don't necessarily "want" to do in training, but you "need" to do them for lower scores.

2 - You must turn up to 10 sessions over 12 weeks (you can have two absent sessions up your sleeve for good reasons).

3 - You must Play at least 9 holes and complete 1 practice session each week of the program. You must also record and post to our CoachNow app your round and practice results.

4 - You must do what is asked of you and keep track of some basic statistics during all training sessions and rounds.

5 - You must stay the course If you are currently shooting over 90, and our first on-course assessment confirms this, then I will guarantee you will shoot 10 shots lower in 10 weeks, or I will keep coaching you for FREE in my group coaching sessions until you get there.

If you don't abide by these conditions, then the guarantee is gone. Real results require commitment and dedication, If you can't commit to this it is OK. I have plenty of other coaching options that will get you better in your own time just call me to find out more. 0411 230 374

PS. Once you have shot 10 shots or less, I will ask you to refer all of your friends who you know would love to shoot lower scores as well.